Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 2 MOCCA Christina Seibold

The artist I chose this week was Christina Seibold.   Christina a graphic artist, intimately concert with her emotions.  Born in Germany she illustrates by virtue of the multifaceted art prints, with the animated realities endemic to both spheres.  She dismantle and reshape in a subtle fashion, but also allows the digital graphics to assume its perspective way.    Christina Seibold is a member of the “Interantional Society of Artist” (ISA)
These images I choose are from art gallery art and emotions.  Very interesting pictures she has on there.  Definitely in touch with emotions.  The two pictures I am sharing are “influences” and “Smell of Colors”


  1. This is in the category of sector are... see how that look is very clean? Nice post.

  2. Good job on both; I like the first one; it reminds me of the bands that some dancers use; it adds to the art of dance..

  3. Thanks a lot!
