MOCA website (Museum of Computer Art)
For this week's MOCA artist, I chose Yuri Tabachnik; he is a professional painter, illustrator, and muralist from Israel. This image is called "Illustration for book Drops 2." It is very animated and looks like something that comes from a cartoon book. I like the combination of so many elements from nature; the water, blue sky, rainbow, clouds, leaves, droplets, and the butterfly all in one image. It represents so many things and of course the most obvious, Mother Nature. The butterfly is a beautiful creature; there's so much meaning behind it. I think that's why I was drawn to the picture. As caterpillars, they undergo a lot of growing pains. When they are tiny, they have to constantly eat and make up their minds to move forward so they can reproduce. Then, they create a cocoon that seals them from the outside in order to undergo transformation. Some are eaten alive in the cocoon and others die through the harsh weather. Many of them aren't lucky enough to become butterflies, but the ones that survive become beautiful butterflies in the end. The artist, Yuri Tabachnik didn't mention how he created this work, but on his site he used Macromedia Flash for a similar illustration. Below is the image:

He uses a very gentle palate of colors. This appears to be vector art, which flash does a good job of handling. Oftentimes it's created using a program called adobe illustrator.